Letter to his little brother Miles Jan. 22, 2012
13 years ago
Letters from a Missionary
Hey! sounds like Easter was lots of fun. I ate spam and top ramen for
dinner haha...so missionary like. BUT it tasted good so who cares. Not
too much is going on here. Its been finals so things are a little
slow. We're just plugging along trying to find people who want to
listen to us. I can't wait to meet little A...if she's anything
like her mother she'll be a real ball of energy and fun to play with.
Hmmm what else do you want to know?
no we don't eat with members. I heard there were tornadoes but thats
it. No details. Its 90 to 100 degrees here.
i got a letter from Jeffrey Dan this week. Sounds like he is lovin the
mission. Do they forward his letters? I would love to get them. So 2
GREAT things happened this week. The first is that D's mission
papers are in!! and he should leave around the same time I come
visit!!!! I can't wait to know where he goes. Also When l went way
anti I met with her... not sure if I told you already and she walked
out on me and i've never heard from her again. I called and told
sister B and so she said on the next p-day she would write
her a letter. She wrote it and read it to me and i told her to just
wait a couple days to send it to give her time to cool off. That night
I had a dream that l came back to church and was apologizing and was
really ashamed and in my dream I was frantically looking for sister
B trying to tell her not to send the letter. When I woke up
it was all so real so I called sister b and told her not to
send the letter and I told her that some day L would come back on
her own. I didn't know how long it would be but i have been praying
for her a ton. Yesterday she showed up to church looking for me
apologizing and completely ashamed of everything that had happened-
just like in the dream! WAHOO she's back!
no news on the temple but president Hale is doing good. He came back
this week! we were really excited. We all get to go to transfer
meeting next week to see him.
Ok- this might have been the longest week of my life but thankfully
it's over. 5 prescriptions, 2 nurses, and 3 doctors later we have
learned that I have an ear infection. I totally forgot how painful
they are. it's been pretty miserable. Also this week brought a lot of
new changes. Our stake completely changed. They are now the first 100%
bilingual stake. They put together all of the spanish and english
wards. If you speak only english or only spanish- you wear a headset
for translation. When someone gets up they can speak whatever language
they want. It's so awesome! it didn't really affect us other than that
the bishops are all changed and some of them support YSA more.
Hopefully that helps.
ok- This has been a crazy week of lots of drama with elders. We had
one that lied to us about a YSA investigator and also to the zone
leaders and just pulled a lot of crap on us. Then they got their ward
members involved and they were giving us crap too. Frustrating but
what can you do? other than that it's just been pretty slow. Tomorrow
are transfers and i'm pretty sure my companion is going to be Sister
Osmeni. She's a temple square sister from Albania. I'll let you know
next week for sure. ummm.... I can't really think of anything else new
to tell you this week. Any questions or anything for me??
ok- to answer your questions... in spanish Hendrix is pronounced (in dreex).
because the H is silent. the E is like an I and the I is like saying the
letter E. The girls we are teaching
right now have really changed their commitment level. They are finally
seeing the blessings of the gospel. There are three girls here that live
together. 2 are recent converts and one is being taught. One of the converts
got baptized for a missionary and has no testimony. The other one loves the
gospel but little doctrinal knowledge and the non member is the most
religious but has been super catholic. I love them all so much! but they are
on completely different levels. I think that was all of your questions. LOVE
So- I had one awesome experience this week I forgot to tell you. This
sunday I attended a baptism in the spanish branch of a guy named
F. Back when Sister Clegg was here and she was sick all the time
we went on exchanges every day. One night on exchanges me and Sister
Bloomfield went to knock on a potential investigators door but he
wasn't home. F Answered the door. He told us the guy wasn't there
and then started to close the door and walk away. I asked if he knew
about the church and he said no. So I bore my testimony and asked if
he wanted to learn more and he just sat there for a minute and then
said ok. Now he's a member! it just reminds me how important it is to
talk to everyone no matter where we are!
I have definitely seen the
importance of living up to our covenants. It is so sad to watch. Two
weeks ago we had a baptism and we started working on the program. We
couldn't even find someone worthy to baptize her. It was terrible! and
REALLY akward. We had to call them and they would say "sorry Hermanas
but I can't. But i'll be there to support her". We started having to
make a list of those who aren't worthy to use their priesthood. It is
SO important that we keep the commandments and remain worthy of the
blessings of our Heavenly Father.
Tell President Eggbert I said hello! it's weird to see you write that
you had your PPI because I always have to have PPI's as well haha.
Aren't they great? I love them. President Hale is the BEST mission
president. Well gotta go. Love ya!