Hey! That's cool you mentioned the new converts going to the temple thing. We have a new senior couple here and that is their whole purpose. They meet with converts right after their baptism, help them find family names, and then get them to the temple. It is going really well. The converts LOVE it and its been really fun to help them understand they're no longer the only member in their family or that they can do their own missionary work. The temple has so much power and with it being 4 hours away or so its often hard to get them there but that is all changing. It's great! This week has been hard because we are in a YSA ward and it's finals and Christmas break. It has made it hard because 90% or more of our appointments cancelled this week. I also don't know what christmas will be like because most of our investigators are going home to their families. We'll see... also can you make sure I have money in my account. Thats all I want for christmas. I just need money to buy food to make treats for people and white elephant gifts for our zone. We're having 2 of them... ridiculous and unneccesary but i got outvoted... ok that was very scrooge like... ignore that sentence. My companion is sister lima. She's from Brazil but grew up in Connecticut. other than that not much is going on. How are things going for you??
i've written to kyle a couple of times but he never wrote back. maybe i'll try it again. I think this is going to be a long month of tracting for the other missionaries because we can't find for ourselves... only for other sets. other than that just trying to share the christmas spirit. we're going to go carolling, make paper advent chains with scriptures on them, treats for everyone before they leave and stuff like that. It should be fun. Hopefully next week goes better
Letter to his little brother Miles Jan. 22, 2012
13 years ago
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