Wow you've had a busy week. ours has been pretty slow with the holiday and everything but we're working on building things up. This week will be busy. Friday we have a sister's conference with president and sister Hale and then Saturday is a multi-stake YSA conference. Well its Friday and Saturday but we're only helping saturday because its a huge service project. We're building houses for Habitat for Humanity and i'm REALLY excited! then me and my companion are doing some rotating workshops for the evening. It will be a busy day. This week m told us about her life and it's amazing what life is like in other countries. She has only been here for a year. At 21 she had her own orphanage over there and she is just incredible. It is amazing how the Lord protected her along the way and prepared her for the gospel. She was able to come to a lesson with us the other day and her testimony is so powerful I love it. For the 4th we just ate crap food but it was fun. It was just another normal day. Yes i'm still running. We run every other day and i'm loving it. I'm still not very good but i'm working up to it. my clothes are definitely different than what i came out with but they are much cooler. The skirt i just bought actually got stuck in my bike chain and tore really bad so i guess i'm back to square one again. I guess there's no hope for me :( I also have to get some new shorts to work out in because when I run mine fall off now even when they're tied as tight as possible. I'll probably grab some at walmart today. I also have to pay the mission office like 30 dollars because they ordered me a magnetic tag for my jackets and also a book. We got special permission to read the continuous atonement by brad wilcox so i'm jumping on the opportunity! its a little pricey but worth it i'm sure. He came and spoke to the mission last fall- i think he was mission buddies with president Hale or something. I also probably have a charge on my card from walmart for groceries because when i moved into the apartment there was no money on the laundry cards but they had already given the laundry reimbursement money to the elders that lived here earlier in the month and so i was out like 30 bucks that i would have had for groceries. I also made the coolest lesson plans this week. They are all the parts of the plan of salvation. we copied them and then laminated them because the rainy season has hit and everything in our back packs are getting destroyed. Next week is transfers but I have no clue if i'm staying or not. I thought I would be here until august but president really wants me in the spanish as well so he hasn't decided. That also means p-day will be on tuesday again next week. This week it was because of the 4th.
also I LOVE LOVE LOVED the cds and letters from the YSA. Thank you SO much! All of my songs by motab are on there. You are all so wonderful. Also anytime you're sending something again throw in my tennis shoes. They are either in my room or in one of the tubs in Utah... the plastic ones. They have lime green on them. The ones I have don't give enough support when running and they have holes in them... just like everything else I own :) who knew being a missionary was so dang distructive!?!
Letter to his little brother Miles Jan. 22, 2012
13 years ago
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